"Supporting writers...any age, any stage of their writing career."
Writer's Conference 2025
Mark your calendar and save the date! Join us this year to celebrate our 20th Anniversary at writer's events throughout the year! Our 2025 Writer's Conference - SCORE YOUR WRITING GOALS - will be held on Saturday, May 3rd. Check our website for more information and follow us on our Facebook page for fun facts, information, and other announcements.
Interested in a Membership? Click <here> to read Membership Information.

The Writers Foundation of Strathcona County
This site is intended to provide you (the “User”) with information about our organization including such things as, but not limited to: organizational information, board of directors, contacts, membership, projects, policies and procedures, writing opportunities, partnerships, endorsements, contests and competitions, referrals, resources, etc. The WFSC is committed to providing a web site that respects the privacy of its Users and will do everything in its powers to protect those rights.
This site may contain links and references to other sites for interest and information purposes or to promote partnerships beneficial to the WFSC. The WFSC is not responsible for the content of any site you link to. We would encourage Users to familiarize themselves with the privacy policy of any site visited.
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Please contact us if you have any concerns, questions or inquiries. We would love to hear from you.
The WFSC strives to make our web site a safe and interactive haven, just like our writers circle meetings.