How to use this prompt: Using the image create a short story or poem incorporating the image and starter sentence. There is no right or wrong 'answer' just whatever your imagination sparks from the subject.

It began with a couple of slices of toast...
How to use this prompt: Using the image create a short story or poem incorporating the image and starter senence. There is no right or wrong 'answer' just whatever your imagination sparks from the subject.
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Written by Lana O’Neill
It began with some toast
A multigrain rye
Baked in a clay
Burning oven stoked high
The crunch woke my senses
Kindled my lips
Butter freefalling
On tastebuds in drips
Clandestine tangos
Erupted within
My tongue tied the toast
In a grip near my chin
Scented rye splatter
Grasped up by my nose
Mixed mild nutty earth
In sour juxtapose
My eyes didn’t bother
Just lolled and rolled back
Deferring to that which
Could front this attack
Leaving all but forgot
Ten fingers a flutter
Grasping and toasting
More rye smeared with butter
Some say they found me
Curled up near the oven
Reciting a sonnet
By Browning ‘bout lovin’