Use the image of the weather vane as your poem or story starter.
How to use this prompt: Using the picture and heading, create a short story or poem incorporating it. There is no right or wrong 'answer' just whatever your imagination sparks from the subject.
Please log in to share your creative piece.
What a great way to connect the generations & a treasured object
Well constructed I had a clear image of the man and his surroundings. Well done
Prompt – weathervane – Jan. 16, 2021
Prompt – weathervane – Jan. 16, 2021
Last month’s storm rocked our farm, ravaging it with powerful winds and torrential rains. Our fields were flooded and some our livestock were killed. The house, thankfully, still stands with minimal water damage and repairs needed to the siding and shingles. In that sense we were lucky. Our barn, however, was not as fortunate. The total destruction of our largest and most used out building was not the loss you might think it was. The structure was long overdue for a rebuild. The storm gave us the excuse and motivation to make that happen sooner rather than later.
Besides the loss of livestock, loss…
The Weather Vane
Sitting on a bare mattress, his head in his hands, with the hard metal bed frame biting through filthy overalls into his scrawny legs, Jacob could hear the rhythmic creak of the weather vane foretelling a storm moving in. He didn't need to tune into the wireless for the weather, the noisy rusty rooster told him.
Wind and debris swirled around the tiny archaic clapboard house, its white paint had peeled away long ago, leaving sun bleached wooden panels. A solitary window caked with dust added to the picture of desolation. At the front door, a solitary rose bush, permanently bent from the wind, now only its prickly barbs and a few brown leaves showing. Mary h…