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Day 9 | April Poetry Month Challenge | Where Our Minds Go

WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉

Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.

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Day 9 | April 9th | Where Our Minds Go

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!

** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.

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Linda Pedley
Linda Pedley
Apr 13, 2020

9. Where Our Minds Go

To rein in our thoughts

-it is hard to do.

Especially when the news is bad

And we grab onto those words

As if they matter so.

To harness our attitudes

-with positivity

A flight with negativity and

We latch onto those feelings

As if they matter so.

To focus on the present

-a necessary task

Bring ourselves back to the

Here and now as one

Because it matters where our minds go.

(c) Linda J. Pedley 04/12/2020


Apr 11, 2020

Where our minds go

My mind has a it's own google map

Chooses the most discombobulated route

detours, pit stops and illegal u turns

even Siri is confused and gives up

Where our minds go

is unchartered ground

but you can choose the way

after losing and then finding your way

Again where our minds go

from this way to that way

Only you will weigh

and then decide

Where your mind goes today...


J.E. McKnight
Apr 10, 2020

Where Our Minds Go

A warm embrace

No longer alone

A smiling face

Brightens the home

This is where our minds go.

A white sand beach

A hot blazing sun

Rows of palm trees reach

Island fun

This is where our minds go

When life is at its darkest,

Positivity our dreams make

When the world is its harshest

We need an escape

This is where our minds go

​​​​​​​​​​​©April 9, 2020

​​​​​​​​​​​J.E. McKnight


Apr 10, 2020

Where Our Minds Go


Sometimes I feel at a loss for the words to say

To have the world believe that these things in mind

Were not so bad, that these thoughts were truly O.K.

But how am I to tell in the darkness what I will find.

Am I to tell you that these thoughts in my head

Are the encompass of a whole;

But the question you asked wasn’t with that led.

No, the better question is where our minds go

When we can’t find exactly who we are

In this world of car-bumper-to-car-bumper;

How fast things move, how fast people decide how far

They take you whither.

Oh, but the story isn’t just the people of…


PO Box 57083 | Sherwood Park, Alberta | T8A 5L7

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