WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.

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Day 6 | April 6th | Pirates of Glory

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
6. Pirates of Glory
A tale of woe - no - a story begotten
Passed down in a tale so ne'er be forgotten
Of a castaway ship and a scrawny young lad
Who woke up alone without mother and dad.
A bottle of rum, a gold coin in my palm... and away I go down to the sea.
He worked hard over the years to develop his strength
Learned of survival and studied to great length
The lay of the land and the way of the world
But, alas, solo years caused his mind to unfurl.
A bottle of rum, a gold coin in my palm... and away I go down to the sea.
His heart was misled by a…
Pirates of Glory
I sit here, amongst the ragged and the rowdy
With the stink of a salt-scent in the grimy air,
Amidst the cacophony of those drunken brawls of old-told-story-tawdry;
Oh, how I wish I could fade away from this noise and stink, let my ocean-tired feet decide where.
You see, the life I led was hardly worth a dime
Especially out there on the open seas, drunk tankard to drunk tankard.
I’ve made my mistakes, you see, beyond just the salt and brine,
And it’s left me quite out-of-sorts and cankered.
Amidst the dregs of this brown tankard ale
I can see each memory, each heartbroken bay a grief;
When I started out, you see, I thought…
Pirates of Glory
Glory is a treasure many seek.
Those who are weak
Search for it in their physique,
A hunt that often turns bleak.
Others battle for a peek
At fame and fortune’s mystique.
While a few whose glories peak
For most havoc would wreak.
Most, honest in their search for the treat,
Where others would cheat.
Like the thieves of the deep,
So, too, with the glory we seek
​​​​​​​​​​©April 6, 2020
​​​​​​​​​​J.E. McKnight