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Day 10 | April Poetry Month Challenge | Unforeseen

WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators, Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople, challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉

Overall theme 'When Life Changes'.

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Day 10 | April 10th | Unforeseen

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!

** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.

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May 02, 2021


Looking for the

Unforeseen knowledge

In the stars

The palm of a hand

A deck of cards

Tea leaves



Hidden messages


Giving purpose.

Marilyn Spilchen April 2021


Lana O'Neill
Lana O'Neill
Apr 11, 2021


She stepped out of the cave and walked through the forest

To a clearing.

A cold wind rushed by and she called out,

“I am the Unforeseen. You have ignored me for too long.”

The wind paused for a breath and she grew double her size.

She exhaled. “These are my children. And you are their father.

You will acknowledge them to the world.”

She turned and walked back into the forest

Leaving a trail in her wake,

Too small to be seen, too big to be fathomed.

Alarmed, the wind tried to flee but was held back by

The heat of its’ own breath, now heavy and polluted

With the burden she once bore.

Embarrassed, the…


Kelsey Hoople
Kelsey Hoople
Apr 11, 2021


Linda Pedley
Linda Pedley
Apr 11, 2021

April 10th – Unforeseen

A snowy white spring day

Should be of no surprise

It is not unheard, they say

Witnessed with our own eyes

Even though unforeseen

It’s not entirely unexpected

But that’s as it is with weather

Often unpredicted

The Spanish Flu of 1918

Deadliest in history then –

Unforeseen? Perhaps, unanticipated

But here we are in a pandemic again.

What lessons have we learned?

The seasons are becoming blurred

Human nature is to forget

Cataclysmic is the word.

History repeats itself

Death knocking on our door

Because we are too ‘me’ focused

It would not surprise me if civil war.

© Linda J. Pedley April 2021


J.E. McKnight
Apr 10, 2021


Fortune told,

“Be aware the unforeseen.”

Blood runs cold,

“What does that mean?”

“Love and riches await,

But forces unknown

Could stop them at the gate.

Do not fret; do not groan…”

“How can I protect against the unforeseen?

Opportunities I might miss.

What if knowing is what prevents what might have been?

What if the unforeseen… was this?”


PO Box 57083 | Sherwood Park, Alberta | T8A 5L7

Ext 703


©2024  Writers Foundation of Strathcona County (WFSC). | All work contained in this website is presented with the permission of the author/artist and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author/artist is strictly prohibited. Click here to view our privacy policy. Maintained by Kelsey Hoople.

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