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Creative Writing Workshop

Discover Your Inner Storyteller

Co-Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge us once a month with their out-of-the-box teachings and delightful inspiration. Each meeting is a little different but meant to help us all learn to discover our own voice in writing. As Mike likes to say... it's not usually the talent, it could just be the method we are using. 


Past workshops have included genres, figures of speech, poetry, short stories, character development, dialogue... every one a different theme with the goal of growth. We love to see writers of all abilities become their very best.


The Creative Writing Workshop was established in August 2019 and runs the Last Saturday of Every Month from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Since Covid in 2020 we have turned to online which helped us welcome many more people from across Canada. Once in-person opens again, we will continue to offer the online option. Open to WFSC members and non-members of all ages, we hope to see you soon!  

Home Desk

2021 WAS 20 YEARS

Celebrating Our Story

The Writers Circle under the WFSC will celebrate its 20 year anniversary in Sherwood Park in October 2021. Our books share our success story, tell the Writers Circle history, and offers encouragement with tips for others interested in starting their own writer's circle. Our growth, our experience, our challenges - all provide guidelines to ensure you make the most of your writing experience as a group.


If you would like to purchase our From A Solitary Drop (celebration of 10 years) book please click below: 

$12.95 with 50% of proceeds going to further WFSC literary programs in the community.

PO Box 57083 | Sherwood Park, Alberta | T8A 5L7

Ext 703


©2024  Writers Foundation of Strathcona County (WFSC). | All work contained in this website is presented with the permission of the author/artist and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author/artist is strictly prohibited. Click here to view our privacy policy. Maintained by Kelsey Hoople.

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