"Supporting writers...any age, any stage of their writing career."
Writer's Conference 2025
Mark your calendar and save the date! Join us this year to celebrate our 20th Anniversary at writer's events throughout the year! Our 2025 Writer's Conference - SCORE YOUR WRITING GOALS - will be held on Saturday, May 3rd. Check our website for more information and follow us on our Facebook page for fun facts, information, and other announcements.
Interested in a Membership? Click <here> to read Membership Information.
Upcoming Events

For the Written Word
Our mandate is simple: provide support for writers, any age, any stage of their writing career. This simple but focused directive keeps the WFSC on track every year allowing the group to contribute back to the community whenever possible.
Membership fees go toward the group's operating and administration costs, which includes maintaining our popular WFSC website. Fundraising efforts organized by volunteers from the WFSC and sponsorship and/or grant monies are invested in programs and services open to not only our members but the community at large.
The WFSC proudly supports young writers by referring them to workshops and camps geared toward young writers. It is our intent to continue to encourage and support young writers with an eye to the future sustainability of the WFSC -
today's young writers are our leaders.
The WFSC is limited only by the level of its volunteer commitment: as we grow so will opportunities for our groups, our members, and the community. We continue to hone our craft, encourage new members, promote cultural and creative diversity. For events we promote annually, see OUR PROJECTS.

The purpose of this book is to help writers stretch their imagination - be creative and step outside the box.
WFSC published its first anthology compilation of member work in 2010 which offers a selection of writing prompts and sample writing to encourage fellow writers to write creatively. This is an excellent stepping stone to understanding there are many stories that may come out of one idea.
Let your creativity flow today!

A Homegrown Anthology!
We write from the heart about people
who are important and things dear to us.
We write with a spirit that leads us to
explore and explain.
We write. We are passionate.
We are Canadian.
Postcards from Canada proudly features
the words of members from the
Writers Foundation of Strathcona County
in celebration of being Canadian
– during this 150th year of Confederation.
Share with us as we take you on a
journey across Canada with our words,
our images, our verse, our prose…
Postcards from Canada
Wish you were here!

Arts, Culture & Heritage Category
We thank our lovely county and are proud to accept a Pride of Strathcona Award.
Our mandate is to support writers - any age, any stage of their writing career. Money raised by our non-profit organization is channeled back into the community, not only for the benefit of our own members, but for the benefit of all those who love the written word. Throughout 2019, we plan to do more school presentations, continue to build the 'Your Lifetime of Stories' Workshops for all ages and gain new members to further support literacy and writing in our community. With your help we can make more of an impact.
We appreciate you.